Snowboarders at it Again- A Classless Display on the Mountain

Ah, here we go again. The video above captures yet another case of snowboarders doing what they do best—making a scene. This time, it’s a full-on brawl, supposedly over something as little as getting cut in line. Seriously? Meanwhile, a skier in the background is just cruising by, probably wondering what kind of reality show they just skied into.

Look, I’ve always said snowboarding is just skateboarding on snow, and with that comes a certain... culture. And let’s be real—it’s not always the most well put together. Sure, people can do what they want, but maybe save the WWE auditions for somewhere other than the lift line. The mountain deserves more respect than this.

Incidents like this only fuel the stereotype that snowboarders are a reckless bunch, and honestly, they’re not doing themselves any favors. Keep this up, and you’ll either find yourself banned from the resort or, even worse, put on blast by yours truly—Slick Jerry.

One thing’s for sure: you’ll never catch me siding with a snowboarder. Clean it up, folks. The slopes are for shredding powder, not each other.


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